Chocolate Salami
This festive dessert surprises many. It’s called salami, it looks like salami but in fact it is pure delicious chocolate studded with crunchy butter cookies. While it is often made with cocoa powder and sugar moistened with eggs, many pasticcere use quality bittersweet chocolate as well as cocoa powder when making salame di cioccolato. The melted chocolate gives this treat a richness that rivals the best truffle. That’s why our recipe uses bittersweet chocolate and cocoa powder. For the butter cookies, choose a brand with a pleasant butter flavor that crumbles easily such as LU Petit Beurre, Lorna Dune or Bahlsen Leibniz Butter Cookies.A splash of fortified wine such asRead More →
Nonna Siriana Fumi loves sharing her secrets for making a Tuscan feast in her master class for Tuscan Women Cook. The multi-course meal is capped off with these delectable cantucci, a Tuscan twice-cooked almond biscotti. We’ve adapted her way of making them for our friends in the United States where the flour has more protein. Although you can make these using all-purpose flour, we find blending in some cake flour produced a more tender result. They're delicious dipped in chocolate (see "Notes" below).If toasting your own almonds, preheat oven to 325 ℉. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper or foil for easy cleanup.Read More →